Interest Groups


Gardening Group

Meets every 3rd Thursday.
Contact - Jo Seller

Book Group

The Book Group meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at The Riverside Cafe, Thanet Way

CT5 3JQ.

Arrive at 10.15 for a 10.30 start. This is for Book Club members only please contact Pauline Finch for more information.


Walking Group

The walks are on the last Thursday of the month please contact Truda Cowell or one of the Committee if you would like to join the group. If you are already in the walking group please let Truda know if you are going.


Craft Group


See Craft Group Program for details of what will be made at each meeting.

The Craft Group meet at Seasalter District WI Hall.  8 Faversham Road, Seasalter, Whitstable, CT5 4AL(see map below) between 1pm and 3pm every 4th Tuesday of the month.

Numbers are restricted to 20.   If you would like to join and there is space for this year. There is a small charge. This is to ensure the cost of the hall is covered plus any incidentals.  If you are interested but would like to come and visit first you can attend one session free of charge.

It is up to members to decide what they work on or what knowledge they share.  Activities mentioned so far include knitting, crochet, rug making, painting, stained glass the list goes on.
Some ladies are proficient and are willing to teach others,  the crochet group for instance has lots of interest.

Geraldine has offered to coordinate funds.  If anyone is interested in joining please see

Geraldine Trevett

Awaiting photo

Coffee Mornings

Coffee mornings are held on the 1st Monday of the month from 10am till 12 noon at the Riverside Cafe, Thanet Way CT5 3JQ.  Meet in the lower lounge for a coffee and a chat.  This is for members only.

​Film Nights

Next Film - to be arranged in November 24 

Please put your name down at a meeting or contact Pauline Finch.

These are held once a quarter on various days in the afternoon or evening and include a film show and food and drink.  The dates are advertised at meetings and places must be booked.

To date we have had various shows including Indian cinema with Indian food and one month "The Greatest Showman" with cheese and wine.  There is a £10 charge for the food and all profit goes to our WI or charity of the year.


Sunday Lunch Group last 
Sunday of the month 

Next Sunday lunch - The Dove Margate 

 If you are interested in going please contact Anne Lancaster.

This group has proved very popular with some ditching their husbands for the day to join in.
We meet on the last Sunday of the month and vary the restaurants we attend. The ladies are gradually building a list of favorite places.  Important:- Your place needs to be booked in advance.